Springs are the parts that support the garage door’s weight and assist its movement with the use of tension-based force. There are two main types in use today, each with a few variations. Our specialists can take care of any of them, and we'll be more than happy to provide you with a solution to any type of issue you may have.
The Key Players
Torsion and extension springs are the two different types that are most commonly used in today's day and age. The main difference between them is the way they operate, as they both serve a similar purpose, which is to lift your door off the ground smoothly.
Extension Spring Replacement
Components of this type stretch as the door closes, storing an amount of tension equal to the weight of the panels. They later use that tension in order to lift the door back up when it opens. Because of this type of stretching and contracting action, they are far more likely to go flying around your garage when they break. Replacing them before their condition gets too severe is therefore vitally important. Since this process can be incredibly dangerous, always get our technicians to do it, rather than try to replace them by yourself.
Torsion Spring Adjustment and Lubrication
These components are usually far stronger and more durable, and as a result are often preferred for heavier doors. Torsion springs use a twisting motion in order to store the tension necessary to later on lift the door off the ground. They are the "safer" of the two types, as the nature of their operation makes any unexpected tension release be more self-contained.
The Danger is Always There
Of course, "safe" is a relative term when it comes to garage door springs. These components must always be treated with great care and respect. Our team can apply them with a lubricant that will keep their performance smooth and silent, and we'll also adjust their tension to keep your door from getting off balance.
You Can Count On Us
No matter which type of spring you have, or what kind of problem you're experiencing, our experts at Garage Door Repair Boerne can always help you out. Contact us today for more information.